Refugee Empowerment Hub (REH)

Refugee Empowerment Hub Overview

Empowerment knows no borders.

We advocate and promote self-sufficiency through employment, education, social support, and economic independence for members of the refugee and immigrant communities in Washington state. At Refugee Empowerment Hub, our mission is to empower refugees by providing them with the tools, resources, and support they need to rebuild their lives and thrive in their new communities. We do this by providing comprehensive support in the areas of employment, education, social integration, and economic independence, ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to build a successful and fulfilling life in their new home. Read More »


REH is dedicated to empowering individuals from under-invested communities, fostering self-sufficiency through education and comprehensive programs.


A world where refugees find empowerment, education, and support.

We go beyond the basics, offering a comprehensive range of services from legal guidance and language classes to career coaching and community connections.

We believe in customized support, understanding that each individual's needs are unique. We'll work with you to create a personalized plan for success.

We're more than just a service provider; we're a vibrant community where you can connect with others, share experiences, and find strength in belonging.

We've helped countless individuals navigate challenges, build skills, and thrive in their new home. See how our programs have made a difference.

Refugee Empowerment Hub

Expert Guidance, Every Step of the Way

At Refugee Empowerment Hub (REH), we believe in the transformative power of support. We're not just another organization - we're your dedicated partner on the journey towards self-sufficiency for refugees and immigrants in Washington State.

Our team is comprised of passionate professionals with a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by newcomers. We bring together legal expertise, language training specialists, career development experts, and community advocates to offer a comprehensive range of services.

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News, Events, Articles and Success Stories

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NGOs Urge President Biden to Prioritize the Relocation of Afghan Women from Pakistan

21 January 2024 News and Events

We, the undersigned organizations, are writing to express our deep and urgent concern for the safety of Afghan women at high-risk of persecution and violence in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

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Afghans who recently arrived in U.S. get temporary legal status from Biden administration

21 January 2024 News and Events

The Biden administration said Thursday it was giving temporary legal status to Afghan migrants who have already been living in the country for a little over a year.

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Deported Afghans return home by the thousands to unexpected welcome

21 January 2024 News and Events

Many of the returning Afghan refugees who arrived here last week expected the worst as they stepped onto muddy Afghan soil amid torrential rain.

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Fleeing conflict, I arrived in Washington with nothing but fear and uncertainty. REH's English classes gave me the voice to communicate, while their skills workshops taught me vital construction skills. Today, I proudly contribute to rebuilding communities, brick by brick. REH helped me find my purpose and build a new life I never thought possible.

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Zahra Hakimi


My English was barely a whisper when I first came to REH. Their patient teachers and immersive classes built my confidence. Now, I can speak English fluently, even presenting at public events! REH not just boosted my language skills, it empowered me to share my voice and connect with my new community.

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S Omar Daudzai


Life in the refugee camp was a struggle. REH's career coaching and business development workshops gave me the tools and courage to dream bigger. Today, I run my own successful bakery, employing fellow refugees and spreading the taste of my homeland. REH helped me turn hope into reality.

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Aysha M


Navigating the complexities of immigration felt overwhelming. REH's legal guidance and housing assistance eased our anxieties. They helped us find safe and affordable housing, creating a stable foundation for our family to thrive. REH brought peace of mind and renewed hope for our future.

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Hassan Hussaini


English classes at REH weren't just about language, they were about unlocking my potential. Their computer skills workshops further equipped me for the job market. Today, I work as a data analyst, using the skills I gained at REH to build a successful career. REH gave me the confidence and tools to step into my future.

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Fatima Samadi
